Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Peruvian Food Part 1

When I went home over break, my mother asked me to make some Peruvian food.  Unfortunately, I could not as I had never tried making any while I was here.  So my "New Years Resolution" (I don't really believe in those, they never work) is to start learning to make Peruvian food.  Now some of these will be difficult as in the state I don't think we have any aji (and amazing spice the Peruvians use for everything) but I will at least be able to make some version of it with the help of Noemi, Pastor Eduardo's wife and my Spanish teacher:

So tonight, I am attempting Palta Rellena (stuffed avocado).  It's the simplest recipe I could think of, which is good as I am starting on my own.  After my attempt I will show you pictures of my creation.


- 1 papa (potato)
- zanahoria (carrot) 
-arvejas (green beans)
-mayonesa (mayo)

Instructions (pending, after I actually make it I'll let you know what worked)

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