Thursday, September 04, 2008

I Speak English Good...

I'm finding out, though I'm fairly certain I knew this before, that just because you speak English does not mean that you will be a good English teacher.  Though I know more rules then a lot of English speakers (I am a huge English nerd) there are stink load of things I do not know.  Today I was teaching the difference between 'a lot of' and 'lots of' (there isn't any, 'lots of' is just less formal) and I was sitting there scratching my head going "I know this is right I just have no clue as to why".

Thankfully I found a website that has explanations... and I have Caleb, the SALI director, who I can go to for all of my English questions.

It kind of reminds me of evangelism, a little bit.  God does not call us to be amazing public speakers or power evangelists.  In Matthew Jesus tells His disciples not to worry about what to say when they are questioned about their preaching because the Holy Spirit would give them the words to say.  That's a comforting thought when it comes to being bold in our faith.  The Holy Spirit really does most of the work.  Of course that doesn't mean that we just sit back and say nothing, faith does require action, but the Holy Spirit is the one who saves souls.


Anonymous said...

Very true indeed. I'm only "prepared" to let God do the talking. How sweet it is...

Eric and Theresa said...

good thoughts